
Findings have proven that having a mentor helps with school, attendance, higher education, college retention, and career choices.

Our President, Swannie Batista-Gil has been our Mentorship, Internship, and Workforce Development supervisor because of her significant role in shaping children’s lives as a former School Counselor and College Advisor.

Our firm has partnered up with various schools, universities, colleges, and programs throughout NYC and New Jersey.

Here are some of the most popular:

  • Berkely College
  • Boston University
  • Bronx Borough Community College
  • Bronx International High School
  • City College
  • Cornell University
  • Hostos Community College
  • John Jay College
  • Lehman College
  • New Jersey City University
  • Manhattan College
  • Mercy College
  • SYEP Program
  • University at Albany

The mentees/participants are placed in one of our locations and get training and work with different clientele to provide non-attorney and administrative services under the supervision of one of our specialists’.

DISCLAIMER:     Paralegals FTC, Inc., is a non profit, tax exempt organization under section 501(c)3 with tax id 93-2043780. We are a Paralegals, not Attorneys or a Law Firm. We cannot provide representation or give legal advice. Our firm provides non-attorney legal services to the community, law firms and other agencies.